Back to Basics and Fingers in Pies

Back to Basics and Fingers in Pies

In my previous blog I mentioned art restoration as an extra skillset. How satisfying to see the finished product in home and being loved by the recipient. Also very satisfying to see a favourite old work, that had won a photography prize, happy in a new home....
An Artist’s Additional Skillset

An Artist’s Additional Skillset

After more than two and a half years, two vaccinations and two boosters, I finally succumbed to Covid, in New Mexico USA. I was in a place that I have wanted to see for many years, the House, and Studio of Georgia O’Keeffe, or it may have been Taos, or even...
The slowness of 2022 speed

The slowness of 2022 speed

Several years ago, the NGV featured an extraordinary exhibition titled The Slowness of Speed. I was intrigued with the artists’ interpretation of the theme, or perhaps the theme was based on the work of the many International Artists. Previously the fastest way...
Welcome 2022

Welcome 2022

We jumped into 2022 with some aspirations and a little reluctance, our summer more humid than before and it feels like more hot days than before. The beauty of it all, especially living in a high fire risk area, is that we have not had the hot Northerlies or Fire Ban...
Studio Meanderings November/December 2021

Studio Meanderings November/December 2021

All things in perspective, Melbournians received lockdown relief on 22 October, at 70% double vaccinated, we had a few uplifting moments, albeit hesitation with the installation at Fed Square. Booked to install on 27 October, Fed Square staff were confident it would...
Around the studio July and August

Around the studio July and August

Around Stony Creek Studio As we move beyond Winter Solstice and into the second half of 2021, life around the studio continues to ride the waves in and out of Covid restrictions. A pleasant time was had when Anne Hastie and I met at Tacit Gallery to chat with Celia...