by stonycreekstudio | Jun 30, 2021 | news
EVENT: Row, Row, Row Your Boat WHEN: SUNDAY AFTERNOON 19 SEPTEMBER WHERE: FINNS RESERVE -cnr. Union Street Templestowe Lower WHO: Denise Keele-bedford WHAT: It is all about water, boats, pirates and stories. A Public Trail of activities including, Pirate Names, Pirate...
by stonycreekstudio | Jun 30, 2021 | news
Thursday July 1 is the launch for the Melbourne Society of Painters and Sculptors special exhibition Covid Creations. As the website administrator for the society I have been busy putting the show together for the twenty-nine participating members. The exhibition...
by stonycreekstudio | Jun 26, 2021 | Denise Blog
Around Stony Creek Studio As we move beyond Winter Solstice and into the second half of 2021, life around the studio continues to ride the waves in and out of Covid restrictions. A pleasant time was had when Anne Hastie and I met at Tacit Gallery to chat with Celia...
by stonycreekstudio | Jun 20, 2021 | news
M O N O C H R O M E An artwork that is…. “black and white or in varying tones of only one colour.” The month of July will see MAVA Inc. host its first-ever ONLINE-ONLY exhibition. We’re super excited about. And I am super excited to be one of...
by stonycreekstudio | Jun 9, 2021 | Denise Blog
Today I saw a Facebook post by my dear friend Zheng Xuewu. His post is reflective on a 2006 exhibition and an introduction to a 2009 exhibition. Below is the text from his post. I was invited to participate in the 2006 ‘Qingzhou International Art...